Makita is a transformational coach, energy healer, and wellness entrepreneur with over thirty-five years’ experience working in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Makita Gabriel is the Founder of The Soul Vida Healing Method and Soul Vida Wellness.
Makita supports individuals from all walks of life, through transformational and evolutionary change. Her approach is compassionate, dynamic, down to earth, and inspirational.
Makita is a visionary leader and extraordinary coach who works on a multi -dimensional level, supporting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of being of clients helping them transform, grow and awaken their heart, mind and life to unlimited possibilities.
Makita’s services are available globally and available across all time zones, worldwide via Zoom or Telephone, ensuring you can access support no matter where you are, anytime, anywhere.
© Soul Vida. ABN 49 621 724 838